They were evidently from Nomentum. This notice comes from the catalogue of Roman martyrs of the fourth century.
Imebeba sala na muongozo juu ya Ukatoliki katika kuutafuta utakatifu ila na mwanadamu yoyote apendezwaye na sala hizi naomba aungane kwenye jumuiya hii maana sote ni baba mmoja katika itikadi tofauti Amina
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Saints Primus and Felician (Felicianus) (Italian: Primo e Feliciano) were brothers who suffered martyrdom about the year 297 during the Diocletian persecution. The "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" (ed. G. B. de Rossi-L. Duchesne, 77) gives under June 9 the names of Primus and Felician who were buried at the fourteenth milestone of the Via Nomentana (near Nomentum, now Mentana).
They were evidently from Nomentum. This notice comes from the catalogue of Roman martyrs of the fourth century.
They were evidently from Nomentum. This notice comes from the catalogue of Roman martyrs of the fourth century.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Saint Prætextatus (died 25 February 586), also spelled Praetextatus, Pretextat(us), and known as Saint Prix, was the bishop of Rouen from 549 until his assassination in 586.
He was present at the councils of Paris (557), where marriages within certain degrees of consanguinity were declared incestuous, and at Tours (566). However, he is less remembered for his ecclesiastical involvement than for his political connections. He wed the lovers Merovech of Soissons, son of King Chilperic I of Neustria, and Brunhilda, widow of King Sigebert I of Austrasia, in order to prevent their affair from scandalising them, their families, and his city. This, however, led to his downfall. Merovech had risen against his father and Chilperic called the bishop to a council at Paris in the church of St Peter. There he was charged with high treason and with distributing gifts to enemies of the king to instigate revolt. His friend, the great Gregory of Tours, came to his defence, but eventually, persuaded by Chilperic's men, he pled guilty and confessed to joining the revolt because Merovech had been his godson. He was promptly banished to Jersey (577). Incidental to his exile was his responsibility for transferring ecclesiastical administration of the Channel Islands from the diocese of Dol to the diocese of Coutances, where it remained until the Reformation.
In 584, upon Chilperic's death, Guntram, king of Burgundy, assumed the regency for Chilperic's son, Clotaire II. Guntram returned Prætextatus to his old see. In 585, he was at the council of Mâcon, where he tried to reform the rules for clerical discipline which had served him so poorly. In 586, he was assassinated by order of Fredegund, the mother of Clotaire, whom, resident in Rouen, he had often reproved for her wicked conduct, including the murders of Sigebert, her brother-in-law: Chilperic, her husband; Clovis, her stepson; and Merovech, Prætextatus' godson. He died at his altar on 25 February and has been canonised by the Roman Catholic Church.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Saint Prætextatus (died 25 February 586), also spelled Praetextatus, Pretextat(us), and known as Saint Prix, was the bishop of Rouen from 549 until his assassination in 586.
He was present at the councils of Paris (557), where marriages within certain degrees of consanguinity were declared incestuous, and at Tours (566). However, he is less remembered for his ecclesiastical involvement than for his political connections. He wed the lovers Merovech of Soissons, son of King Chilperic I of Neustria, and Brunhilda, widow of King Sigebert I of Austrasia, in order to prevent their affair from scandalising them, their families, and his city. This, however, led to his downfall. Merovech had risen against his father and Chilperic called the bishop to a council at Paris in the church of St Peter. There he was charged with high treason and with distributing gifts to enemies of the king to instigate revolt. His friend, the great Gregory of Tours, came to his defence, but eventually, persuaded by Chilperic's men, he pled guilty and confessed to joining the revolt because Merovech had been his godson. He was promptly banished to Jersey (577). Incidental to his exile was his responsibility for transferring ecclesiastical administration of the Channel Islands from the diocese of Dol to the diocese of Coutances, where it remained until the Reformation.
In 584, upon Chilperic's death, Guntram, king of Burgundy, assumed the regency for Chilperic's son, Clotaire II. Guntram returned Prætextatus to his old see. In 585, he was at the council of Mâcon, where he tried to reform the rules for clerical discipline which had served him so poorly. In 586, he was assassinated by order of Fredegund, the mother of Clotaire, whom, resident in Rouen, he had often reproved for her wicked conduct, including the murders of Sigebert, her brother-in-law: Chilperic, her husband; Clovis, her stepson; and Merovech, Prætextatus' godson. He died at his altar on 25 February and has been canonised by the Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, April 18, 2014
Ebu tujiulize kuhusu upendo wa namna ya kupendeza jinsi
Bwana Yesu anateseka kwa ajili yangu na wewe pia.
Tujiulize ni mara ngapi tunaendelea kuyafanya pengine ni
kufuru na kumdharirisha ndani ya kanisa na nje ya kanisa kwa kumunyo za
kumdhihaki ukosefu wa heshima kwenye nyumba ya Mungu tukijidanganya kuwa
twaenda na wakati ambayo hayatofautiani na ya Wayahudi waliomtesa.
Awali ya yote kwanza tufanye tafakari fupi katika siku za
kuelekea ushindi wa Yesu.
Tunashangilia mkombozi kuingia Yerusalemu kama walivyofanya
Wayaudi. Kama tushirikiavyo katika kupeperusha matawi tukiimba Hosana Mwana wa Daudi. Lakini wakati tunafanya hivyo
tujiulize tunafahamu maana ya kutumia rangi nyekundu? Tusaidiane kwa hilo ili
kuyaelewa makuu hayo.
Tujiulize juu ya mapendo ya kumpendeza kukubali kutoa mwili
na damu yake katika mafumbo ya mkate na divai ili lengo lake aishi nasi
milele daima.
Tujiulize hivi kweli tunayaheshimu matendo hayo hasa ya
mkate na divai au hatujui nap engine inawezekana tunashiriki kumzihaki kwa
namna tunavyompokea? Tukijifariji tunaendana na mabadiliko ya ulimwengu? Mfano
kuogopa kuchafua mavazi yetu tukipiga magoti? Je tunaungana na Yule mwovu
aliyetaka Yesu ampigie magoti? Au hatutaki
kuonesha ishara ya unyenyekevu kwake tukijidanganya ishara ya nje sio lazima?
Tuulinde utukufu wake, hasa wakati wa kumpokea tusije
tukajikuta tunajiandalia adhabu kali.Pia ni vyema tumpokee ulimini zaidi hii
itutusaidia kumlinda mwokozi kudondoshwa chini hali inayopelekea kumkanyaga
hiyo ni ishara ya kumdhihaki kama Wayahudi walivyofanya baadhi yao.
Je? Tujiulize ni mara ngapi tunampokea katika hali hiyo.
Basi hii ni tafakari yangu je we wasemaje au waonaje njia sahihi?
Je? Tunajifunza nini hivi leo? Wakati dunia inaangaika kwa
mateso mengi watoto wasiokuwa na hatia wanatolewa mimba, ukatili wa kijinsia,
unyanyasaji kwa wanyonge na mengineyo. Hivi tunashiriki vyema katika
Hivi tena tujiulize tunapokatazwa kula nyama tunajifunza
nini kuhusu tendo hilo? Basi tumwombe Bwana Yesu atufundishe maana yake ili
tunapoikumbuka siku hiyo kuhusu kifo tupate Baraka zake kwa kwa kuyatafakari
matendo hayo kwa usahihi.
Ni shangwe kuu tunaposherekea ushindi wa Bwana Yesu na
ukombozi wa mwanadamu.Je? tujiulize hivi tunafufuka naye kweli au tunajiona
tunafufuka kimwili lakini tumekufa bado kiroho. Mtoto,kijana, mzee na kikongwe
yatupasa kukaa chini na kuyatafakari makuu haya.
Yesu alipoingia Yerusalemu Wayahudi walitandika nguo zao
chini ili Yesu apite. Haohao walipaza sauti zao wakisema asulubiwe, acha
kuchanganyikiwa tambua kuwa mwanadamu anabadilika, alisema anakupenda ipo siku
atasema anakuchukia, aliyesema mtatenganishwa na kifo ipo siku atakupa talaka,
aliyesema wewe ni mwema ipo siku atasema una roho mbaya, na Yule unampenda
sana atageuka kuwa adui mkubwa.
Je, Tusiwe na marafiki? Yesu alisema uwe mjanja kama nyoka
na mpole kama ua, ishi kwa akili ukimkumbatia Yesu katika maisha ya kila siku naye
atakufunulia yote upate mwanga wake. Sherekea Pasaka njema.
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